Become a Patron

Patron Programme

We know there are many of you  – both individuals and companies who believe in our work 100% and want to support us to save young girls’ lives, but do not have the time to roll your sleeves up and become mentors.  Our patron programme is the perfect way to make a difference and inspire young girls to be the best version of themselves.  By pledging financial support we can increase our effectiveness and recruit more women to be mentors and train more coaches to work with at risk girls.

Alarming Facts

How you can help...

Super Star Patron

£25k per year. This level of support will sponsor a Stardom programme in a school to allow our skilled coaching team to save a group of troubled, at risk girls. As the sole sponsor for a programme you will be given the opportunity to meet the girls whose life’s you have turned around at their final graduation day. This is an amazing opportunity to help us provide a safe space for girls who are in serious pain – emotionally, mentally and physically. It is life- changing.

10 Star Patron

£10k per year with the added opportunity to host an audience with our Founder Jane Kenyon in your workplace.

5 Star Patron

£5k per year

Star Patron

£1k per year

We will communicate with our patrons twice a year to share how we have allocated your funds so you can look forward to reading some inspirational stories about some pretty amazing teenage girls who have responded to our support and turned their lives around.

To join the programme please email

You'll be in good company: Our Patrons

Superstar Patron

10 Star Patrons

Purple Story Logo

5 Star Patrons

Star Patrons

How you can support our mission

Become a Corporate Sponsor
Sign up to be a Big Sister or Volunteer
You can make a one-off donation or set up a subscription
Fundraise for our Girls Out Loud Foundation
Purchase one of our tees or bags via our shop and partners