In 2018 we noticed some reoccurring themes appearing in our work with teen girls that matched the enquiries we were getting from school teachers so we decided to create a series of workshops called THE SUPER 7 focussed on these key trends. Each 2 hour interactive workshop is dedicated for girls in Year 7, 8 or 9.
Each workshop can cater for up to 30 girls from the same year and can be run multiple times a day.
The cost includes one professional workshop facilitator, 2 if more than 15 participants, a takeaway workbook and all other resources.
1. Social Media - What's Up?
This workshop considers the positive and negative sides of most social media platforms and helps girls see the big picture, understand privacy, posting and filters and create some important boundaries for staying safe. It is pretty hard hitting with stories of what can happen if you are not vigilant and how to ensure you limit the time spent online.
2. Mindfulness & Me
This workshop introduces girls to the art of being present and how our busy lives and smart technology can often sabotage this. We talk about the monkey mind and benefits of focus and share some meditations, guided visualisation techniques and apps.
3. Body Bliss
This workshop uncovers what we mean by body confidence discussing beauty as a more internal characteristic with everything else simply a touch of packaging. It helps girls embrace authenticity and release the pressure cooker of perfection.
4. Speakeasy
This workshop is about equipping girls with some tools and tricks of the trade to help them overcome the fear of speaking up in class and beyond. It includes voice projection, dealing with blushes, fear of getting it wrong and more.
5. Mental Health Matters
Our newest workshop is an interactive session to support girls struggling with anxiety, mood swings, the inability to control their emotions, mild panic attacks and depression. We know this has increased post Pandemic so this workshop we will introduce the girls to some useful coping techniques and help them understand their feelings better.
6. Friendship Fix
This workshop is about helping girls to identify and understand what constitutes a good friend and why there is no such thing as a bad friend. We discuss yoyo friends and how everyone on your social media platforms cannot possibly be your friend. We touch on relational aggression and social media meddling.
7. Choices & Consequences
This is a fun workshop where we use games to show girls that every decision they make has consequences and if they slow down their emotional cycle they may be able to make better decisions which in return delivers better outcomes. Great to help girls with anger issues who overreact fast and are addicted to drama. The bonus workshop – if you buy all 7 workshops over the school year we will deliver the following Exam Ready workshop for free for a group of girls.
By the time girls get into year 9 exams loom large. This workshop helps them get exam-fit by showing them a series of revision techniques, impresses upon them to need to stay present and look after their health and offers them some on the day tools to keep nerves and anxiety at bay. You can also purchase this workshop as a stand-alone at any time.
Any schools wishing to talk to us about delivering workshops in their school please complete the general enquiry form and we will get in touch as soon as possible.
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